Successful Progress


This is an instrumental production song that expresses lots of positive emotions towards achieving something, being proud of something, making progress, meeting someone you care about, being good at work, etc. It just reflexes many human feelings, which can even be multiplied when used together with a video production or images accordingly. This song is empowering and develops even more energy when the drums kick in, still has a beautiful melody played by the grand piano, very nice harmonizations by the acoustic guitars and a cool percussion rhythm all along the song. This fresh and versatile track is perfect for any inspirational, motivational or uplifting project, presentations, cinematic, advertising, TV, videos, events, promotion, publicity, exhibition, or as background music.

Uploaded on 05/02/16 by bpm-de


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Tier 1 - Personal Use, Non-Commercial Internet Video (YouTube / Vimeo)

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